Monday, 2 April 2012

Is a hygrometer a useful ghost hunting tool?

I only ask this question because I am contemplating buying one to add to my armoury of spook-hunting tools. I already take readings with EMF meters for the electrical background readings. I feel if I could couple this with background temperature and humidity readings it might help identify patterns. Maybe it could help to predict when conditions are right for paranormal occurences. If the stone tapes theories are to be believed, there must be a "sweet spot" when these appearances happen most. If this can be tied in with accurate data then maybe - just maybe, a scientific pattern can be established.


  1. Hi I am thinking of buying a EMF reader as I believe I have a very active spirit in my home. I have never heard of a hygrometer. Can you explain further what it does and what may it tell me. Thanks in advance.

  2. It measures humidity, or the moisture content in the atmosphere. It's just a theory that seeing ghosts make use of electricity (ie, there is supposedly a spike in electro-magnetic energy)therefore if the atmosphere is moister then maybe conductivity will be better.


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