Saturday, 27 August 2011

How to weigh your soul

Yes I know, it sounds like I have finally gone insane, but someone actually tried to prove that a soul exists by weighing people shortly before and after death.
I came across an article describing some experiments that were done back in 1907 by a Dr Mc Dougall of Massachusetts USA. He had a bed that was balanced on a measuring apparatus and reported that immediately after death the corpse weighed approximately three quarters of an ounce less. Therefore (the theory goes) the human soul or life-force weighs about the same weight as a teaspoonful of sugar.
On hearing this I checked it out on a few urban legend debunking sites, and apparently these experiments did actually take place.

At best, this is scientific proof that some form of change occurs to the body's mass immediately after death that cannot be explained, or, at worst, it is a very extreme new weight loss tip! (and I bet my Google ads are showing dieting ads).

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