Thursday, 8 March 2012

Glasgow woman forced to move by ghosts

Ashley Summers, a 26 year old mum, has been compelled to move because she can no longer stand the alleged paranormal activity occuring in her housing association flat in Kirkintilloch, Glasgow. She has moved to a new home and the move has cost her double her previous rent of £300 a month.

Her youngest son David who is 4 years old told him mum about having conversations with a bald headed man when no one else was in the flat. Things have also been thrown such as shoes and a mobile phone. Pots and pans have also been strewn around the kitchen.

Her son David told her that the spirit had said that it won't hurt him, but it will hurt anyone else in the flat. On the advice of a spiritualist, Ashley sprinkled flour in her kitchen to see if the ghost would communicate with her. On returning she found a letter D had been drawn in the flour.

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