Monday, 19 March 2012

Past life regression - Good or bad?

Whilst doing my usual rounds of news feeds and Google news etc I stumbled across an article on past life regression. To those who have never heard of it, this is when a hypnotist puts you into a trance and allegedly takes you back to a previous life before your birth.

The article mentioned the Bridey Murphy case and one or two other notable cases. I won't bore you with all the details as they are easily "Googleable", but what did surprise me is how many people out there are advertising these services. I found out that there were three such "practitioners" offering their services within 10 miles of where I live. It seemed I had stumbled upon a rich seam of people making money out of the paranormal. A lot of them seemed to be offering some kind of problem solving therapy. The theory goes that the problems you are having in todays life may be a result of something you experienced in a previous life.

Whatever next???

The sub-conscious is a strange and wonderful part of the brain where lots of things are stored. I am a little dubious about the accuracy of these regressions and the information they allegedly bring to light. I once remember being entirely convinced I had written a song - tune and words - the whole lot. I had penned it in 10 minutes flat. I Googled it afterwards and found the song had, of course, already been written. The tune was as near as damn it right, and the words were about 60% right. On hearing the song on Youtube I had never CONSCIOUSLY heard it before, but there it was in my own handwriting. We store stuff away and this is often where our "intuition" kicks in. This is where our "spider senses" give us little clues all may be not right. I suppose this is where Deja Vu also lives.

The point I am coming to is this. Is the whole past life regression thing good or bad? Could dabbling around in someones sub-conscience have a lasting damaging effect?

The answer is, of course, I have no idea. But I do have a few concerns.

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