Thursday 26 November 2009

Dumb and Dumber

The are very few subjects that seem to polarise people's views but the existence of ghosts certainly seems to be one of them. On one extreme you have the sceptical side, where if it can't be touched, tasted, smelled, measured or otherwise quantified with the current knowledge at our fingertips then it plain doesn't exist. At the other extreme you have the believers who are willing to believe just about anything including fairies and angels.
Somewhere in all this is what could laughingly be called the truth. I say "laughingly" because we are dealing with the unknown. It is certainly true to say that many many people have seen what they claim to be ghosts (me included) and sometimes whole groups of people. Only a real bigoted sceptic would put EVERYTHING down to either delusional people or hallucinations.
So where do we go from here? - well science and the educational system have certainly taken it seriously because they have spent taxpayers money by setting up paranormal study groups at several universities. So for the sceptics to say it is all complete nonsense is certainly not within the current academic thought process.
I have no idea whether the mystery will ever be solved. I cannot say that hysteria, delusional people and downright liars don't severely muddy the waters, but I would say (in my humble opinion) that there is certainly a little meat on the spiritual bone. It can't all just be flippantly brushed aside.
Still this will make no difference to the two extreme factions. Belief is a very powerful thing - even if that belief happens to be that you don't believe anything at all!

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